Last Friday was a big day for the “Old Lady”, my 1942 Willys MB jeep. Indeed, although this one at 82 is not going back to school, she did receive “beautiful new boots”!  She was shod with five new 6.00-16 NDT (Non-Directional Tread), 6-ply tires from the “Specialty Tires of America” (STA) brand. This included five tires (considering the spare one) with their inner tube, tire flap, installation on split combat rims, and of course balanced!  When we returned home, the Old Lady and I immediately noticed the difference while driving. Thanks to my Valour Park Association (VPA) membership, I estimated that I saved approximately $425!  In addition to supporting VPA’s mission and objectives, this is another good reason to join VPA.


What was the surprise of the technicians when they arrived at work that gloomy Friday morning to see a 1942 Willys MB in the workshop whose tires they were going to change.  So, it was at “Trailtire Auto Centers”, located at 15620, 131st Avenue NW Edmonton, that I had the tires changed thanks to their sponsorship of VPA.  Graham Tanner, the manager, welcomes you with professionalism, friendliness, but above all with knowledge of these vintage vehicles.  Kayden Sayers and Stephen Toner, the two technicians, immediately got to work.  Well, combat split rims that were fitted to jeeps from the Second World War, it’s not every day that we see that on vehicles!  And that’s where Graham’s skill comes in.  Under his watchful eye and with his advice, the five tires (including the spare tire) were installed.  And after a photo session, the Old Lady and I left, happy to have taken this opportunity offered to us by VPA and “Trailtire Auto Centers” to change these unusual tires.


If your old military vehicle needs “new boots”, do not hesitate to contact Graham and take advantage of the discount offered by the partnership with VPA.  You can reach Graham at “Trail Tire Auto Centers North West” by phone at (780) 447-1893 or email: Trail Tire Auto Centers North West north-west/


I would like to take this opportunity to salute and thank our President Scott Collacutt for associating VPA with a supplier such as “Trail Tire Auto Centers North West”.  Let’s keep them rolling.

Claude Villeneuve


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Questions? Contact Hans J. Brink, CFSC Instructor.